SERENA project partners at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium
- by Pascal Sadjina

From the 5 th to the 7 th of June 2019 the SERENA partners Ericsson, Ommic, Chalmers and Infineon Austria participated at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium in Boston, USA.
Partner EAB, with the technical lead of the project, Kristoffer Andersson, gave talks on Exploratory Semiconductor Devices for 5G mm-Wave Era and Beyond, and Integration challenges for 5G mm-wave radios.
Partner IFAT participated at the following sessions:
- IMS technical sessions, IMS Plenary Session, RFIC technical sessions, RFIC Plenary Session and Industry Showcase, ARFTG technical sessions, 5G Summit and Panel.
Further IFAT participated at the Workshop “The Analog vs. Digital Battle - A Fight of Paradigms to Optimize Systems & PA Solutions for Wireless Infrastructure in 5G and Beyond”. Franz Dielacher gave a presentation with the title: "Overview about RF and PA Requirements for 5G NR and Challenges for Hardware Implementation"
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