SERENA Interim Technical Review Meeting
- by Barbara Gaggl
On 2nd March 2021, another SERENA Interim Technical Review Meeting took place in a virtual format.
The focus of the Interim Technical Review meeting was to present an overview of the project progress during the last year, discussing objectives and main achievements, besides the major technical challenges and challenges related to Covid-19. Moreover, the updated work plan was assessed and, upcoming challenges and possible risk mitigation measures were discussed. During the meeting partners provided an overview of the progress and the current status, main achievements, and the next steps of WP4 “E-/W-band Single-chip front-end MMIC: Design and manufacturing”, WP2 “39 GHz Front-end Circuit: Design and Manufacturing”, WP5 “Integration Platform”, WP6 “Proof-of-concept Platform”, WP 6 “Proof-of-concept Platform”, WP 7 “Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation and Training” and WP 8 “Project, Risk, and Innovation Management”.
The SERENA team received great feedback from the experts who recognized a very good progress despite the challenging circumstances. All in all, the project is on a good path, the consortium is doing an excellent work and is ready to accomplish the final project months.Comments
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