WP5 Workshop at Fraunhofer IZM (Berlin)

by Barbara Gaggl

Participants of the H2020 project SERENA met on 22nd and 23rd of February 2018 at Fraunhofer IZM Berlin, Germany to attend a workshop on the integration platform for a novel RF front-end module for 5G mmWave applications.

The 13 attendants from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Fraunhofer IZM (Germany), Infineon (Austria), Ommic (France), Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) discussed the design of the integrated front-end module to be developed in low-cost PCB-based chip embedding technology. Topics included the module requirements from the application perspective, system concept, specifications of the active and passive components, antenna configuration as well as characteristics of the embedding technology. Based on this information, a concept and draft physical design of the embedding module were developed including information on the selection of materials, substrate stack-up and the partitioning of the components.

The discussion highlighted the multidisciplinary challenge of the integrated front-end module taking into account RF, manufacturing, thermal, thermo-mechanical size and cost aspects.