SERENA 1st Interim Review Meeting (Brussels, Belgium)

by Pascal Sadjina

On the 15 th of November 2018 the SERENA consortium met the project officer and the reviewers for the first interim review meeting in Brussels.

On the 14th and 15th of November 2018 the SERENA consortium met for the first interim review meeting in Brussels. The 14th November was dedicated to the preparation meeting where the planned presentations were rehearsed. In the evening the partners went out for a common dinner. The next day, the consortium partners came together with two independent reviewers and the Project Officer (PO) for the first review meeting. The results and achievements as well as the ongoing work in the individual work packages was presented. The reviewers and the PO were satisfied with the results and provided some useful feedback for the future work. All in all it was a very successful meeting and all partners are enthusiastic about continuing their work in the project.