General Assembly/Advisory Board/Technical meeting
- by Barbara Gaggl
Due to some unexpected events, we started the meeting with another topic than initially planned. But thanks to everybody's flexibility we opened the meeting with the first technical work package discussions before conducting the General Assembly meeting. The highlight of the first day was certainly the Advisory Board meeting. After a short introduction about the project status and progress by the technical leader (EAB), all project partners and experts from the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut and North Carolina State University were engaged in interesting discussions regarding 5G technology, opportunities and possible post project phase directions. Partners benefit from valuabe insights and recommendations that were given by the experts. The second day was mainly dedicated to technical presentations and discussions within the work packages. To start the day the technical leader gave an overview of the overall technical status of the project. Afterwards we plunged into the single work packages and discussed both achieved results as well as upcoming work for the next months. To conclude the meeting, we did a short wrap-up and defined once again the next steps. Now we are preparing for the upcoming interim review in March.